
Microelectronics, the main topic of the Summer Course of the FGUMA organised by Málaga TechPark

  • This course aims to review and prove how microelectronics, in general, and more specifically, semiconductors, are key industries for the sustainable growth of economies.

Málaga TechPark, thanks to its general manager Felipe Romera, led once again one of the summer courses of the General Foundation of the University of Málaga (FGUMA). The course is called ‘Microelectronics, towards a new strategic economy’ and is the 21st edition of the Summer Courses of the University of Málaga. It took place on 13 and 14 July in The Green Ray by PTA-UMA building.

The aim of this course is to review and prove how microelectronics, in general, and more specifically, semiconductors, are key industries for the sustainable growth of economies. Furthermore, it is also aimed at promoting the strategy that is being developed to make Andalusia a leading region in the microelectronics sector.

Course description

The latest global developments have altered the supply chain of the microelectronics industry, exposing the strategic value of semiconductors and the danger that such a diversified chain has to the sovereignty in this sector. 

Semiconductors are key to social welfare and economic growth, as they can be found in every electronic device, enabling data processing and transmission. 

Europe is only a leading continent in some segments of the value chain, but it has a problem of strategic and business sovereignty, as it consumes 24% of the semiconductors manufactured worldwide, but it only generates 9% and 11% of the total value added.

Málaga, Andalusia and Spain have talent, both in industries and universities, as well as an industry demand capable of handling the semiconductor developments that are generated. In addition, their climate, gastronomy and international connectivity attract many companies.


The course was divided into two days, that is, 13 and 14 July. It was inaugurated by José Ángel Narváez, rector of the University of Málaga; and by Felipe Romera, general manager of Málaga TechPark. 

The introduction by Felipe Romera and José Ángel Narváez was followed by a round table conference called ‘The vision of a leader: next challenges’, conducted by Pere Monclus, VP & CTO Network and Security BU at Intel; Francesc Guim, principal Engineer, Network and Edge BU at Intel; and Mario Nemirovsky, CTO at the Innova IRV Foundation.

Pedro Martín Jurado, COO of the Government Commission for the Strategic Microelectronics and Semiconductor Project, delivered the next talk called ‘Dialogue: national strategy: PERTE Chip.’

Then, Marcos Martínez, director of Standard Engineering at MaxLinear; Eduardo Valencia, Director of Electronic Industry, New Entrepreneurship and Territorial Development at Ametic; and José Manuel Leceta, general director of Innova IRV, talked about the ‘Current Situation of the Spanish Microelectronics Ecosystem: future challenges.’

‘Silicon Saxony: the European benchmark’ was the next topic of debate. The talk was given by Christian Mayr (online) from the Dresden University of Technology and by Stefan Uhlig, Senior Manager Deputy Director of Silicon Saxony Office. Lourdes Cruz, head of commercial and investment promotion at Málaga TechPark, was the chairwoman of this round table conference. 

Felipe Romera, the course director, presented the conclusions of the first day of the course. 

14 July

The second day of this summer course started with the lecture of the Digital Eye Observatory on ‘UMA-Microelectronics Co-Innovation Laboratory Strategy’, with the participation of Javier López, vice chancellor for Business, Territory and Digital Transformation at the University of Málaga; and Mario Nemirovsky, CTO at Innova IRV Foundation. 

Then, Óscar Chabrera, CFO and COO at Innova IRV and Pedro Teixido, CTO at Ontech, were in charge of the round table conference called ‘Dkulpiot: design and IP Generation.’ 

Finally, Mario Nemirovsky, CTO at Innova IRV; Íñigo Molina, founder and current leader of the Photonics and Radiofrequency Laboratory at the University of Málaga; and Diogo Costa, Customer Enablement Manager at iPronics (online), conducted the round table conference called ‘Manufacturing Activities: Photonics.’ 

The conclusions of this second day were made by Felipe Romera, general manager of Málaga TechPark. 
