
Málaga brings together over 250 technological and industrial companies in a summit to ‘reset’ the Spanish economy

  • Organised by Atlas Tecnológico, the aim of the event is to connect and present the Spanish industrial sector, promote digitalisation as a transforming element for organisations and commit to innovation as a strategic tool.
  • The summit, which is called ‘Reset the Economy’, is going to be held on 20 and 21 September at the Green Lemon building in Málaga TechPark and at FYCMA, and the mayor of Málaga, Francisco de la Torre, will attend the summit. It is the fourth edition of the event after the ones in Valladolid, Valencia and Pamplona.
  • The people attending the Collaborate summit will have the opportunity to visit the facilities of Premo, TDK, Dekra, Denso Ten and Mayoral, among others, and will learn about the technology implementation success stories of companies such as GMV, Zeleros Hyperloop, TUPL, Tecnalia, TROPS, Eurecat and Aciturri Tech.
  • Málaga TechPark, Fundación IRV and Málaga City Council support this initiative.


On 20 and 21 September, Málaga is hosting the largest Industry 4.0 summit in the country, the ‘Collaborate Reset the Economy’ event, organised by Atlas Tecnológico. The event will connect over 250 technological and industrial companies to facilitate digital transformation and boost the use of innovation as a tool for competitiveness.

The summit is structured in different phases. In the first phase, attendees will visit the facilities of eight companies from the Industry 4.0 ecosystem in Málaga: Premo Group, TROPS, LDA Audio Tech, Denso Ten, Mayoral, TDK, Dekra and Ubago Group. Then, the ‘One to One’ meetings, one of the most innovative proposals of the event, will start, and the industrial companies will learn about the technological services of 16 companies in one-to-one meetings.

On the first day and during lunch, Felipe Romera, the director of Málaga TechPark, will present his book: ‘La triple hélice’. Then, from 17:30, the ‘Collaborate Reset the Economy’ talks will begin. They will take place in two venues: on 20 September, at the Green Lemon building in Málaga TechPark, where Francisco de la Torre, mayor of Málaga, will be present; and on 21 September, at the conference centre of Málaga ‘Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga (FYCMA).’ 

Among the speakers of the event are Paula Carsí, Innovation Manager at Ford Europe; Xavier Ferràs, professor at Esade; Pedro Martín, COO of Perte CHIP; Guillermo Dorronsoro, Advisor at Zabala Innovación and professor in the Universidad de Deusto; Ezequiel Navarro, CEO of Premo Group and President of Fundación Ricardo Valle Innovación; Antonio de la Prieta, Manager of the Advanced Technology Centre of Accenture; Alejandro Gómez, Vice-president of Zeleros Hyperloop; Carlos Noriega, Manager at Aciturri Tech; Sergio Bandinelli, Business Development Director at Tecnalia Ventures; and Carolina Miyata, Partner and Managing Director at Prodigioso Volcán. 

For Pablo Olite, CEO of Atlas Tecnológico, “Málaga is becoming the meeting point between the industry and the technology sectors. It is key to give visibility to this leadership by supporting events such as the ‘Collaborate Reset the Economy’ summit, as this leadership is one of the great economic strengths in the region.” He considers this event as “necessary at a time of high uncertainty, where we need to set a strategy to gain competitiveness and technological self-reliance.” 

Ezequiel Navarro, President of the Fundación Innova Ricardo Valle and CEO of Premo Group, highlights “the opportunity provided by the Collaborate event for our ecosystem to learn first-hand about the activity of technology centres that work with thousands of companies and potential service providers that come to Málaga. It is important to understand the value of sharing and collaborating, taking advantage of the hospitality of FYCMA and Málaga TechPark.” Furthermore, he claims that they “have involved the University of Málaga and, for the first time, students have been offered free places for the event, so that they can meet and visit the companies and attend the meetings with leading experts in innovation in Spain.”



Among the topics of the “Collaborate Reset the Economy 2023” event is innovation as a strategic tool for Europe in the new global order, a topic chosen for the round table by Francisco Marín (GED Conexo Ventures), Felipe Romera and Àurea Rodríguez (EIT Culture & Creativity South West). Antonio de la Prieta will talk about “reinventing the ecosystem with a global vision” and two members of the Perte CHIP Expert Group, Ezequiel Navarro and Mayte Bacete, CEO of MaxLinear, together with Pedro Martín, will discuss “Spain’s challenge in the microelectronics revolution.” 

Digitalisation is not only changing organisations, but also the way they interact with their community of stakeholders, whether they are providers, employees, clients, capital or the rest of society. Rather than fixed entities made up of different components, industrial companies are becoming ecosystems, where different actors interact and interchange roles depending on the type of activity to be carried out. 

One of the most creative proposals of the event will be the round table called “The creator is the new startup, the importance of mastering content in the era of platforms and generative AI”, in which Mario Nemirovsky, CTO of the Fundación Innova Ricardo Valle; Eva Pando, of the Fundación Caja Rural de Asturias; and Carolina Miyata will take part. Tasks such as innovation, supply management, inventory and stock, distribution, sales and user experience management, data analysis and digital marketing are becoming increasingly collective and less attributable to a single source of decision making. 

At the “Collaborate Reset the Economy” event in Málaga, participants will learn, from the perspective of the speakers, about the keys and success stories in the management of technologies that are contributing to the transformation of companies, that is, from companies that connect different agents to companies based on collaborative ecosystems. 

The event organised by Atlas Tecnológico has been designed with a use case structure. Managers of industrial and technological companies have the opportunity to share their experiences in the implementation of new solutions in 10-minute sessions. Attendees will be able to learn about the success stories of Lodisna, TROPS, TUPL, Biyectiva, TST, Tecnalia, TDK, Cartif, MyEnergyMap, Eurecat, Atribus, Premo, RELY, TLSI, Zeleros Hyperloop, GMV and Itainnova.


About Atlas Tecnológico

Founded in Valencia in 2020, Atlas Tecnológico has a strong national presence with an ecosystem that brings together over 250 collaborators and more than 1,000 technological and industrial companies. Its aim is to cover all strategic areas of any company, from the purchasing area and logistics to plant operations and marketing.

Created as a platform to connect with agents that generate innovation in the Industry 4.0 sectors, it is also a tool to solve the technological needs of companies and take their business to a new dimension. It is also a space to find answers and solutions. 

Atlas Tecnológico is a hub where you can find and contact companies that provide experience and technological solutions according to the needs of every company. 
