
Bic Euronova’s Director, Álvaro Simón de Blas, is re-elected President of ANCES

  • Málaga will continue to be the headquarters of ANCES, the National Association of European Business and Innovation Centres, which brings together all the Spanish BICs

Álvaro Simón de Blas, General Director of the Business and Innovation Centre Network (BIC) in Málaga known as BIC Euronova, has been re-elected president of ANCES (National Association of Spanish BICs) in the course of its general assembly held in Lleida on October 26, heading a board of directors formed by the BICs of Asturias, Castellón, Navarra, Extremadura, Murcia, Baleares, Albacete and Linares.

During this new period, the headquarters of ANCES will still be in Málaga, specifically in BIC Euronova, located at the Technology Park of Andalusia, the Málaga TechPark. It has been its location since 2009, the year in which Álvaro Simón was elected president of ANCES for the first time. 

“I am very honoured and grateful to be re-elected as President of ANCES, a huge motivation to remain highly committed to the entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem across Spain. It challenges me enormously to lead the efforts of the ANCES Association and drive its mission to further strengthen support for innovation and entrepreneurship as key drivers of economic and social development”, says Álvaro Simón, thanking the trust placed in him by the associate members and congratulating them for their relentless work that is positioning ANCES brilliantly on the national scene. Simón also adds that “continuing to have ANCES headquarters located in Málaga is a great opportunity for the promotion of the innovative business network of Málaga at national and international level”.

 ANCES (National Association of Spanish BICs)

Established in 1994 with a national scope, ANCES is a non-profit association with its own legal personality that emerged with the aim of promoting economic and industrial development through the BICs (Business and Innovation Centre Networks), providing its experience on the creation of new SMEs, based on innovative elements with development potential.

The main objectives of ANCES are promoting the development of Spanish BICs, contributing with its experience in the creation of new companies and/or new activities in existing ones; providing its members with the systems, services and activities that help them to achieve their objectives with the maximum professionalism and efficiency; and promoting innovation and diversification of productive activity, technological progress and economic development through the support and dissemination of BICs.

The association is currently made up of 32 members (BICs) spread throughout almost every autonomous community.

ANCES collaborates with a large number of organisations, both public and private, thus fulfilling the association’s mission to represent its members and defend their interests jointly. It has contact or has signed agreements with the following entities: European Association of BICs, EBN (European Business and Innovation Centre Network), Empresa Nacional de Innovación, SA (ENISA), Asociación de Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos (APTE), Ministerio de Economía y Empresas, Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, DG PYME, Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO), Federación Española de Entidades de Innovación y Tecnología (FEDIT), Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; as well as several Universities, Oficinas de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRIs), etc.


The Business and Innovation Centres are organisations that have as main mission to support all those business initiatives that involve innovation or business diversification, offering a complete and integrated system of activities and services to SMEs, including professional guidance, business training, information searching, support in the detection of potential markets and infrastructure services for new projects.
