
The departments of Education and Employment present their collaboration project to more than 20 technology companies at Málaga TechPark

  • The main objective of the session is to forge links between Vocational Training and Employment Training to address the needs of new professional profiles

Around twenty companies and different educational centers providing Vocational Training are participating today in the sessions under the title ‘New Paths of Collaboration between Education and Employment to face Technological Challenges within the Integrated Center framework.’ The event is taking place at The Green Lemon, located at Málaga TechPark. The opening ceremony was attended by the territorial delegate for Educational Development and Vocational Training, University, Research, and Innovation, Miguel Briones, and the territorial delegate for Employment, Business, and Self-Employment, Carmen Sánchez, both representatives of the Junta de Andalucía, along with the General Director of Málaga TechPark, Felipe Romera.

These sessions allow both companies and educational centers to present the collaborative work experience developed by the Alan Turing Integrated Public Center of Vocational Training (CPIFP) and the Remedios Rojo Public Center for Vocational Training for Employment (CPFPE). In addition to the project presentation, there are planned group dynamics and working sessions to encourage collaboration between companies and educational institutions and to understand the qualification needs and future hiring profiles demanded by the technology sector.

This is precisely the goal of the current joint action of CPIFP and CPFPE: to coordinate educational and work training actions in close collaboration with the Technology Park of Andalusia. This involves creating training programs parallel to formal education and maintaining a recognized training program that aligns with the hiring needs of new professional profiles. An example of this is the complementation of the Level 3 Professional Certificate in Web Development, taught by the Alan Turing Integrated Center, and the Training Action in Microsoft Azure Solutions Development offered by the Remedios Rojo Training Center, with the guidance of Málaga TechPark.

Miguel Briones has underlined the involvement of both ministries in the project. “The harmony and joint effort aim to develop joint strategies in the Educational and Employment training work, always addressing the true needs of society’s productive sector, taking advantage of the strength of Málaga’s technology sector,” he noted.

The territorial delegate also wanted to acknowledge the commitment to the modernization of Vocational Training carried out by the Junta de Andalucía: “The Alan Turing Integrated Center is the best example of adapting Vocational Training to the new realities of the labor market, leading the way for the future of these teachings. Its ability to provide quality training and promote student qualification in the framework of Dual Vocational Training is a huge draw for companies, offering professionals matching the profiles required by the job market.”

On another note, the delegate for Employment, Business, and Self-Employment, Carmen Sánchez Sierra, pointed out that “this is a pilot project in the province of Málaga, resulting from the teamwork of the Ministries of Educational Development and Employment, a necessary agreement to offer citizens updated training adapted to the current needs of companies, which often struggle to fill vacancies with specialized individuals.”

Likewise, Sánchez Sierra highlighted the importance of the technology sector in Málaga: “We are aware that Málaga currently has a very high demand for tech employment, and this project aims to meet that demand, safeguarding the productive area of a growing sector.”
