Málaga TechPark is a global benchmark. With over 100 international agreements signed and 70 foreign delegations visiting us every year, the park’s international strategy focuses on showcasing its companies abroad, attracting innovative companies, participation at European level and cooperation with organisations in Africa, the Americas and Asia.
International networks
- International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP)
- IASP Blockchain Subnet
- European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)
- Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE)
- Innovation Radar (IR)
- Technology Park Network of Morocco
- Europe India Cooperation Acceleration Bridge
European projects:
- Peers to Blockchain (H2020)
- The aim of the project is to describe the Blockchain ecosystem in each region of the participating entities.
- Recycling Bussines Models (H2020)
- TargetSME (H2020)
- The main aim of the project was to improve the efficiency of the innovation agencies’ management.
- E-Lead (Erasmus)
- Innoinvest (H2020)
- Its overall aim is to support entrepreneurs in boosting their business processes.
- B-Skills
- Upskilling adults’ learners with Blockchain Basic Skills (European Erasmus Plus Program)
- MakeMyFuture
- Improving Digital Competences for Advanced Manufacturing Industries through Maker Education (European Erasmus Plus Program)
- Tourism 4.0
- Capacity building and peer-learning transnational supporting scheme towards smart, innovative and sustainable tourism. (European COSME Program)
- Agrifood4future – Erasmus Plus
- It focuses on competence development in Vocational Training and the creation of educational programmes.
- H2Excellence – Erasmus Plus
- It supports the establishment and gradual development of centres of professional excellence.
- AtTRACTION – Horizon Europe
- It aims to connect “modest” and “moderate” innovation ecosystems with the strong innovation networks in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) and France.
- AccessCOVE – Erasmus Plus
- It focuses on developing Centres of Vocational Excellence in several European countries to deliver vocational education and training (VET) programmes.
- DIBEST – Interreg Atlantic
- It supports tourism micro-SMEs in the participating regions to use digital innovations.
- DiTwin – Erasmus Plus
- It supports VET teachers and educators in the implementation of the Digital Twins methodology to exploit the potential of distance learning in VET schools.
Global Activities:
- Institutional cooperation
- Supporting other parks
- International twinning agreements
- Technology transfer projects with Latin America, Africa and Asia
- Joint International Strategy Group