
Antonio Gómez-Guillamón, CEO of Aertec, appointed new president of the Málaga TechPark Execs Executives Club

  • Cordis Suite and NTT Data become new members of the group

The Málaga TechPark Execs Executives Club held its last meeting of the year, a meeting in which Antonio Gómez-Guillamón, CEO of Aertec Solutions, was appointed new president. Ezequiel Navarro, CEO of Grupo Premo and the one who was previously in charge of the presidency, bid farewell to this position by reviewing the main milestones of the club. Among them, there is the launch of INNOVA IRV, or the actions carried out to strengthen cooperation between the companies that are part of the ecosystem of the park. “We have shown our house with the aim of sharing best practices, even among competitors, and I think this is very positive”, he pointed out. 

He welcomed the new president, who outlined: “If there is a position I am very happy to accept, it is this one. We will try to continue making this club grow by strengthening the relationship between the main executives of the cluster and the identification with Málaga and its entire technological ecosystem”.

Thus, the group has welcomed two new companies: Cordis Suite and NTT Data. The first one specializes in Industry 4.0 and digitalization through the work of Jaime Mahíllo, the company’s Engineering Director. The second one is a multinational consulting firm that offers business solutions, strategy and digital transformation, development and maintenance of applications and outsourcing of processes in all sectors. It is managed by Marta Cano, Commercial Director and Territorial Delegate of the company in Málaga.

The last meeting of 2023 was held at the IBIMA-Plataforma Bionand facilities and was welcomed by its Scientific-Technical Director, Francisco Tinahoes. He explained what the center does and what it is currently working on. The meeting was also welcomed by the park’s Director, Felipe Romera.

During the meeting, the different actions that have been and will be carried out by the different working groups of the club were also presented. First, the head of the Talent Group and Managing Director Lead at Advanced Technology Center at EMEA South of Accenture, Toni de la Prieta, has brought to the table all the actions that this group has launched this year, from the EspecializaTech program, launched along with the Department of Employment of the Junta de Andalucía; to the Work Plan with the School of Computer Science and Engineering of the UMA, the Career Week with 42 Telefónica; the Digitalent program of ISDI or the Innovation Day of Salesforce.

On another note, the head of the Communication and Visibility Group, Antonio Gómez-Guillamón, announced the launch of the Club’s new web space on the Málaga TechPark website and the upcoming actions. Thus, Pablo Alifano, from Talan, will become the new head of this group once Gómez-Guillamón takes over the presidency.

It also took place a recap of the actions of the Ecosystem Reinforcement Group, such as the visits of the club to different companies in the park’s ecosystem or the paddle tennis tournament that is scheduled for the first quarter of 2024.

The recently created Sustainability Group explained its objectives, which include the pursuit of synergies between companies and the promotion of collaborations and alliances in terms of sustainability.

Besides that, the Future Trends Forum group highlighted the updates for the coming year, among which the merger with the Digital Eye Observatory of the University of Málaga and Málaga TechPark has been suggested.

Afterwards, those attending the meeting were able to visit the facilities of IBIMA-Plataforma Bionand.
