
BIC Euronova is looking for two startups from Málaga for its new Berkeley SkyDeck acceleration program in the United States

  • BIC Euronova, the European Business and Innovation Centre of Málaga and the Spanish partner of Skydeck, the prestigious business accelerator of the University of Berkeley in San Francisco, to sponsor two startups from Málaga

BIC Euronova, as the Spanish partner of Skydeck, the prestigious business accelerator of the University of Berkeley (San Francisco, United States), is looking for two startups that meet the requirements to apply for the new edition of the Berkeley SkyDeck’s Batch 17 acceleration program.

Berkeley SkyDeck, which is one of the main global business accelerators supported by a great list of Silicon Valley investors, opened a new call aimed at new companies from all around the world. The startups from Málaga must meet a series of requirements that will be analysed and supervised by BIC Euronova. 

The startups that are finally selected for the SkyDeck program will receive an investment of $200,000, will be given access to an extensive network of over 500 top international advisors and mentoring experts and will be provided with research and lab resources. Furthermore, the startups chosen by SkyDeck will have the opportunity to meet US-based investors during SkyDeck’s Demo Day. 

The startups from Málaga that want to apply for this program shall previously contact BIC Euronova so that BIC Euronova can analyse whether they meet the established selection criteria. Contact information: phone number (+34) 951010504 / 


The applications must be submitted before August 24th.


BIC Euronova 

BIC Euronova is the European Business and Innovation Centre of Málaga (CEEI), a business incubator that is pioneer in Málaga and is headquartered in the Technology Park of Andalusia, that is, Málaga TechPark. Founded in 1991 on the initiative of the European Commission, it is 40% owned by the IDEA Agency of the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian regional government), 40% owned by the Málaga City Council and 20% owned by UNICAJA Bank. BIC Euronova’s mission is to support the creation, incubation, consolidation and internationalisation of innovative SMEs, as well as to promote new activities for the existing SMEs and to advise entrepreneurs and government agencies in terms of innovation in order to endogenously generate wealth and employment.

BIC Euronova has been recognised with the EU|BIC trademark from its very beginning and it is periodically renewed. BIC Euronova is the Spanish partner of Skydeck, the prestigious business accelerator of the University of Berkeley in the United States. Furthermore, BIC Euronova acts as an international business incubator that has been approved by the International Business Innovation Association of USA. Moreover, BIC Euronova is part and is home to the headquarters of the National Association of Spanish BICs, whose president, Álvaro Simón, is the CEO of BIC Euronova. He was reelected in 2019 and, in April 2020, he was also reelected as the President of the Euronova Club (innovative companies club). In addition, BIC Euronova is part of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), which brings together 250 BICs in Europe. More info on
