
Carlos García, territorial delegate of Economy, is the new president of BIC Euronova

  • The European Business and Innovation Centre of Málaga, based in Málaga TechPark, has consolidated over 520 companies

Carlos García, territorial delegate of Economy, Finance and European Funds, as well as of Industrial Policy and Energy in Málaga, was appointed President of the BIC Euronova European Business and Innovation Centre of Málaga. Carlos García highlighted the work this centre has done as a business incubator: “Since its foundation, the centre has consolidated over 520 companies in the innovation sector and has created a total of 5,250 jobs specialised in technologies.”

BIC Euronova focuses on initiatives specialised in technologies such as Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Self-driving Cars, Big data, Data Mining, Cybersecurity, new materials and Aerospace Photovoltaics, “offering new entities advice on how to develop a solid business structure.”

BIC Euronova is 40% owned by the Ministry of Economy, Finance and European Funds of the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Regional Government) through the IDEA Agency (integrated into TRADE), 40% by the Málaga City Council (Promálaga), and 20% by Unicaja Banco. “It is an example of public-private partnership”, said García. 

In this regard, the territorial delegate added that 25% of companies that operate today in Málaga TechPark originated in the BIC Euronova business incubator, and currently 20% of the ‘incubated’ companies are foreign. UK, Netherlands, USA, Norway and Sweden are the main destination countries for these companies formed at BIC, with a survival rate of 79%.

The centre was pioneer in Málaga and was born under the initiative of the European Union, with the aim to create platforms that promote the research and development of technological innovation companies. 
