
Cuatroochenta and Mercedes Benz join Málaga TechPark Execs Club

  • The group has held its second meeting of the year, taking stock of the first half of the year, highlighting the launch of the Women’s Leadership initiative.

The Málaga TechPark Execs Club continues to grow. Cuatroochenta and Mercedes Benz have joined the group of executives as new members at the second meeting of 2024, held at Oracle’s facilities in Málaga TechPark.

Cuatroochenta does so through Fernando Ramírez, Country Manager Spain of Sofistic (Group 480). The technological company, specialised in developing cloud and cybersecurity solutions for organisations, has been listed on BME Growth as a company in expansion since 2020 and this year has been recognised as one of the 11 best SMEs to work for in Spain in 2024 by Great Place to Work®.

For its part, Mercedes Benz does so through Paolo de Ambrosis, IT/GM Consulting & Solutions of Mercedes Benz Group Services (Technology and Innovation Centre). The Technology and Innovation Centre of Mercedes Benz Group Services is specialised in finance and accounting, administrative services, customer services, information technology, programming, implementation of new systems and improvement and digitalisation of business processes for the different divisions of the Mercedes-Benz group.

In addition to these incorporations, the club has welcomed a new initiative called Women’s Leadership, coordinated by Sofia Schneider, VP Systems South Málaga Site Leader Oracle. This project was created with the mission of promoting the presence and representation of women in the business environment, in the search for a more inclusive and diverse leadership. Thus, this network aims to promote the professional development of women and aims to be a source of inspiration for future generations of women leaders.



During the meeting, the different working groups presented the different actions that have been launched and the objectives planned for the next six months. Thus, the Grupo de Comunicación y Visibilidad (Communication and Visibility Group) is going to organise the annual Empresa del Club recognition and is working on optimising the club’s communication strategy.

The Talent Group has provided information on the second edition of the EspecializaTech programme of the Consejería de Empleo, which will have two training itineraries: Java Development with Spring and Interface Development with Angular, and JavaScript Development and its ReactJS and nodeJS frameworks. They have also announced the training in Generative AI through the Microcredentials Programme of the UMA.

In the Ecosystem Reinforcement section, a summary was made of the actions implemented this year, such as the visit to Adif or Google, and the next visits planned were announced: Incubadora Alta Tecnología, Sogeti part of Capgemini, DHV, Babel or Montero Alimentación. In addition, an open day for the families of the park’s professionals, sports activities and other events planned around the technopolis were announced.

As for the Sustainability Group, a repository of Good Practices in Sustainability has been created and several trainings have been carried out on the subject. In addition, surveys have been carried out on the energy consumption of companies. Work is also being carried out on issues related to mobility.

In the cultural sphere, the different actions implemented with the CaixaBank Soho Theatre, such as breakfasts and discounts on tickets to attend shows, were described, and other actions were announced at the Theatre itself, the Carmen Thyssen Museum and the MIMMA, Museo Interactivo de la Música de Málaga (the Interactive Music Museum of Málaga).

During the meeting, the new office of the University of Málaga at the headquarters of Málaga TechPark, UMA innTech, was also unveiled.

About the club

The Málaga TechPark Execs Club was created with the aim of fostering collaboration between the companies in Málaga TechPark and giving visibility to professional excellence.

This project, which arose during the pandemic, brings together entrepreneurs and managers who account for more than 70% of the employment volume in the Park.

The club, which is promoted and coordinated by the park’s management, is made up of more than fifty business leaders, including the CEOs and senior executives of the following companies: Accenture, ADIF, Aeorum, Aertec. Air Liquide, Aire Network, ANCES, Anovo, APTE, Arelance, Babel, Bukit, CaixaBank, Capgemini, Cardivais, CGI, Cordis Suite, Cuatroochenta, Dedalus, Denso Ten, Dekra, DHV, Endesa, Ericsson, Euronutra, EY, Freepik, General Elevadores, Google, Hispasec, IASP, Ibima, Idneo, Keysight, LDA Audiotech, Lynka, Mades, Mercedes Benz, Minsait by Indra, Montero Alimentación, NTT Data, Opplus, Oracle, Orange, G. Premo, PwC, Sogeti, Talan, TDK, Tedial, Telefónica, G. TopDigital, Torsa, Tupl, Ubago Group, UMA, ViewNext and Vodafone España.

Three years after its creation, Málaga TechPark Execs continues to strengthen the ecosystem of the park through its companies, promoting talent and R&D&i projects and strengthening the links between the companies that make it up.
