
Hrider doubles its staff to land at the United States

  • The Málaga company that works with Human Resources departments on identifying and developing talent through technology finishes its consolidation period with more than 1,000 clients all over 25 countries


The technology company specialized in Human Resources talent management procedures known as Hrider has just released its rebranding announcement, with its aim in leaping into the American market. Thus it comes to an end the consolidation period in which the company became a reference for talent development in more than 25 countries, being most of them spanish speaking ones, and also working with more than 1,000 companies and managing more than 500,000 workers.

“This rebranding positions us closer to the Anglo-Saxon market within the international field, accomplishing therefore what we are pursuing since the very first day we were born as a company in 2017, when we chose and English name for it (Human Resources Rider): to compete at the United States”, says the Hrider Product Manager, Rocío Valenzuela. “The Software as a Service first division is located in the United States, and we have created a new solution level that solves the true challenge at the HR departments: being able to identify and develop any needed talent”.

“We offer a very specialized, competitive in terms of price, scalable and easy to use product that is capable of becoming the reference solution in every market. We hope this rebranding and the company’s resizing we made doubling the staff compared to last year turns into a way to speed up our growth and expansion”, adds Valenzuela. Although the platform is multilanguage and it’s in fact used by large companies in several languages, the market approach and expansion of Hrider until now is mainly associated with Spanish speaking countries.

The new corporate identity developed represents the concepts of different, fun, exciting, human and creative. The aim is to be personal, happy, unique, just like Hrider, the software that combines mathematics and happiness to bring growth to people. The new design perfectly shows what makes Hrider unique, the fact that it works on detecting talent in the human resources management, increasing productivity and generating happiness at the workplace. A software developed to help companies grow from the inside, enhancing what makes them special: their people.

Hrider promotes a human point of view of software, not a control one. “Many human resources management softwares focus on employee control. Everything related to time control, absence management, or salaries, is automatized.” explains Valenzuela. “Our software, with a more human point of view, focuses on the real development of people and along with them, the development of the company. It’s the people, the culture they generate internally and how they project it outside what make a company different. This is how companies become unique and competitive. That’s why we want HR to become the Intelligence Department of the organization, so they can make the best decisions based on data.”

Hrider has always been defined by promoting more human company cultures, based on truly impactful data for employees. For example, the development of people inside the company if they are aligned with the company’s aim and philosophy, and ultimately pull together science and humanities so that companies have tools that simulate the business’ brain and heart, focusing on that human vision of true development.


About Hrider


Hrider is a company from Málaga that offers a specialized People Analytics platform that is made for target businesses in any market or specialized consulting companies that are committed to decision making based on data and internal improvement processes. It helps with performance evaluating processes and 360º feedback for professional skills measuring and objective achievement, work environment and culture measuring, action plans development to improve productivity, N-Box talent maps elaboration, etc. It’s the most growing specialized strategic talent management solution in Spanish speaking countries of recent years, and it’s already used in more than 25 countries and manages more than 500,000 employees.

In six years it has reached 1,000 corporate clients, featuring national and international companies such as Eurofirms, Iberia, Anaya, Cabify, Thyssen Krupp, Viajes El Corte Inglés, Codorníu, BricoDepot, Unicef, Fresenius Medical Care, Parc de Salut Mar, Textron Aviation, Atos,, DIGI Telecom, and HAYA Real Estate. 

All of these companies are interested in introducing results measuring systems and supporting the professional development of their partners to be more efficient and competitive.

Its technological solution is in the cloud, doesn’t require installation and allows unlimited evaluations and surveys, facilitating continuous feedback processes that secure data-based decision making. It’s versatile, customizable, powerful, easy to use and affordable so that companies of all sizes (from 10 to 5,000 workers) can add continuous improvement processes that were only available for large multinationals until now.
