
Innova IRV connects national data ecosystems with collaborative intelligence and global impact

  • The Innova IRV Foundation, together with AMETIC, IndesIA, Gaia-X and Atlas Tecnológico, has organised a workshop to analyse examples and experiences with more than 50 participants
  • Innova IRV stands as “network of networks” and as a meeting point for disruptive innovation of data

The Ricardo Valle Institute of Innovation Foundation (Innova IRV) boosted the participation of more than 50 companies, technology centres and universities in a workshop focused on the generation of new ideas, companies and disruptive innovation projects of data ecosystems.

The workshop took place in Málaga TechPark and was headed by Enrique Serrano, CEO of Tinánima and vice-president of Industry 4.0 at Innova IRV; Nuria Ávalos, general manager at IndesIA; and Manuel Gutiérrez, strategic consultant at the Spanish Data Office. AMETIC, Gaia-X and Atlas Tecnológico also collaborated in this event.

During the workshop, collaborative innovation experiences were analysed through Innova IRV, as a meeting point of national ecosystems as part of the policy promoted by the European Union. For this purpose, participants shared common models, resources, data architecture and prototypes, as well as challenges and value propositions that may be solved by enabling technologies. 

In this sense, Enrique Serrano, vice-president of Industry 4.0 at Innova IRV, explained that the seminar is the space for the Foundation to work on the “state of the art”, sharing experiences, examples and disruptive innovation cases that enable to generate and obtain value by “collaborating with generosity and ambitious vision.” 

Nuria Ávalos, general manager at IndesIA, highlighted in her speech the role that these technologies are playing and the importance of bringing them to the SMEs in Spain, in order to make them more efficient and competitive and, at the same time, collaborating on the economic transformation of all sectors.

On the other hand, Manuel Gutiérrez described Innova IRV as a benchmark to connect ecosystems, where companies and organisations cooperate in “collaborative and co-creative intelligence”, adding important value to the industry. 

Lastly, Carlos Romero, Spain’s permanent representative on digitalisation and artificial intelligence in the European Union, presented the European Union’s policy in this field, due to the upcoming presidency of Spain which will begin in July. 

Innova IRV is going to write a report with the results obtained from the workshop, with the aim of proposing a networked work environment (guides, methodology, platform and best practices) to shape new companies and rapid, disruptive and collaborative innovation projects of national and global impact.


The Ricardo Valle Institute of Innovation Foundation (Innova IRV) in Málaga is the first node of a national network of top-level business innovation clusters promoted by AMETIC. 

This model, inspired by the German Fraunhofer Institute, is developed to boost competitiveness, to attract investment and to encourage the creation of tech-based companies.

Innova IRV’s vocation is national while its magnitude is global, creating demand in current and potential markets to foster knowledge. 

The Foundation is promoted by Málaga City Council, the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian regional government), through the Consejería de Universidades, Investigación e Innovación (regional Ministry of Universities, Research and Innovation), Miramar Group, Sando Foundation and Mayoral. 

Innova is comprised of collaborating entities such as Accenture, Aeorum, Aertec, Agencia Digital de Andalucía (Digital Agency of Andalusia), Ametic, Bic Euronova, Dekra, Diputación de Málaga (Málaga Provincial Council), Endesa, Ericsson, Esesa, Famadesa, Google, Málaga TechPark, Orange, Premo, Simón, Tinámica, Top Digital, Trops, Tupl, University of Granada, University of Málaga, Unicaja, University of Seville, Vodafone, Telefónica, CSG Ingeniería, Iturri and Smart Health TV Solution. 

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