
Innova IRV promotes the first Master’s degree in concected industry and artificial intelligence

  • The program is aimed at professionals with interest who want to solve business problems with data and digital enabling technologies. It will begin in late November and will adopt an online format, with some face-to-face sessions at Málaga TechPark throughout the course



The Ricardo Valle Institute of Innovation Foundation, Innova IRV, promotes the first Master’s degree in Connected Industry and Artificial Intelligence, a training promoted by the Foundation and organized by Fom Talent and MBIT DATA School, in collaboration with ESESA as instructor and local partner.

The program is aimed at professionals with interest who want to solve business problems with data and digital enabling technologies. It will begin in late November and will adopt an online format, with some face-to-face sessions at Málaga TechPark throughout the course.

Moreover, if your company is a member of the Innova IRV Foundation and you are interested in this training for you or your employees, you can ask regarding  the discounts, available at

The Master is aimed at:

  • Entrepreneurs, technicians, managers, executives and middle range managers of startups and industrial design companies.
  • Industrial digitalization managers.
  • Middle range managers of industrial companies linked to the fields of operations, predictive maintenance, quality, industrial organization, product design, logistics and provisioning, information systems, industrial cybersecurity, finance and/or people.
  • Factory, production, operations and/or innovation managers of industrial companies.
  • Area managers, middle range managers and personnel related to strategic decisions of the company, interested in enhancing the inputs with the technological areas, improving the management of the corporation and boosting its protection to a higher level through the implementation of a Data-Driven culture.
  • Innovation managers, integrators, technicians and product managers of technology-based companies.
  • R&D&I managers, researchers and technologists from research organizations, technology centers, clusters and science parks.

During the training, students will acquire the necessary skills and capabilities to address the process of digital transformation of companies towards Data+IA Driven organizations, which benefit from the competitive advantage of AI and other enabling technologies and have decision systems based on data and rigorous analysis. Thus, students will get to know in depth the main enabling technologies used nowadays in the industry and learn how to apply Big Data and Artificial Intelligence tools to successfully face and execute the transformation of your organization, regardless of the sector, giving it an evident competitive advantage.


More information in this dossier and on this website.

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