
Internalia assembles companies from various sectors to discuss together the challenges and solutions for mobile teams management at its Focus Group event


  • With an inclusive format, it was discussed  the importance of monitoring team productivity and how to achieve employee engagement to address a digital transformation process


Internalia Group held its first Focus Group on October 23 at the Uppery Club in Málaga. It was an unprecedented meeting with the backing of Mobile Day, its renowned event that has been held 8 times, but with a different twist. This event brought together managers and professionals from various companies, with an interactive and deeply collaborative approach, marking a milestone in the debate on the management of mobile teams.

With the attendance of representatives of the only 35 selected companies, the meeting ensured an open and dynamic space for dialogue, where the productivity management of mobile teams was the main topic. Companies with constantly mobile staff found in this event an ideal meeting point to exchange strategies, challenges and solutions.

Moderated by Gema Casquero, Dircom of Internalia Group, and led by Francisco Orellana, Ceo of Internalia Group, it was attended by three renowned executives, Rafael López from Aiparquet Sevilla, Ernesto Mira Hafner from Best Garden in Málaga, and Marga Espejo from Lumon Spain, who made this event a melting pot of ideas and experiences. From boosting productivity and the importance of corporate values to the adoption of mobile technologies for data collection, the topics discussed featured the importance of adapting business strategies to new working realities.

Companies such as Jovitel, Framaluz, Trececinco, Capgemini, Telerosa, Navarro Hnos, Trops, and others also participated, bringing a diversity of perspectives and reinforcing the idea of effective management of mobile teams and introduction of digital tools as a core business challenges.

With more than 20 years in the field of management applications for mobile devices, Internalia Group demonstrated once again its ability to innovate and lead thinking in this field. This Focus Group, an evolution of Mobile Day, not only provided a forum for knowledge sharing, but also outlined the way to go on future editions.

The success of the event and the quality of the interactions ensure that this format will be replicated in other cities, allowing more companies to join these crucial conversations. After the event, all attendees will be provided with a summary document with the contributions and conclusions of the event. The Internalia Focus Group has certainly set a valuable precedent on how to address labour mobility and productivity in nowadays’ dynamic business world.


