
Málaga TechPark and Unicaja Foundation team up to promote entrepreneurship

  • The president of Málaga TechPark and the president of Unicaja Foundation signed a new agreement to enable startups to carry out their work at the new entrepreneurial space that will be established at the Unicaja Foundation Cultural Center in Málaga

Málaga TechPark and Unicaja Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement that will help them to continue promoting technological development in Málaga, thanks to the implementation of the new space intended for the growth of entrepreneurial  projects, which will be established at the Unicaja Foundation Cultural Center in Málaga.

This agreement will allow Málaga TechPark to refer startups to Unicaja Foundation and promote the presentation of business and technology projects of social utility that arise from entrepreneurs whose activity is intended to be developed within the area of Málaga. Thus, following the agreement, entrepreneurs will be able to work from a new coworking space, which will soon be available at the Unicaja Foundation Cultural Center in Málaga.

The minister of Economy, Finance and European Funds, Carolina España, who is also the president of Málaga TechPark, underlined the importance of “an agreement that allows us to continue extending the activity of Málaga TechPark”, she said. “We need to continue expanding the innovative activity, from within the park to the center of the city”, she pointed out. “Our aim is to keep trying to team up with other entities and to keep widening the technological footprint of the PTA through this kind of agreement, so we become more competitive and keep adding attractiveness, as an unique innovation space”, has stated España.

On another note, the president of Unicaja Banking Foundation, José Manuel Domínguez, has highlighted that “the partnership with Málaga TechPark get us closer to one of our strategic objectives. We are convinced that this new space will be a cutting-edge lab and an irreplaceable piece in the social network to unify and promote talent and social values that define Málaga in the 21st century. Málaga is, and must be, committed to the future and innovation”, he outlined.

Málaga TechPark continues to radiate its innovative spirit

Unicaja Foundation has implemented in their facilities a center that will offer coworking offices to entrepreneurs and startups, aiming to facilitate the development of business and technological projects with social utility. The new space is designed to foster the growth of projects with a strong technological component, which have the potential to impact key areas such as social development, health and well-being, environment, education, culture, sports, or financial inclusion.

For its implementation, Málaga TechPark will present to Unicaja Foundation those projects that could be housed in the new space, based on selection criteria established in a call aimed at startups, entrepreneurs, and newly established companies. These projects will be evaluated by a committee composed of representatives from both institutions and experts in the field of innovation. Additionally, it is being considered that both Málaga TechPark and Unicaja Foundation may agree on the joint promotion of specific programs under this agreement.

With over 25 years of history, Málaga TechPark maintains among its objectives the promotion of programs that foster the creation of business projects through advice, training, and the promotion of entrepreneurship. Thus, with the implementation of this new space at the Unicaja Foundation headquarters, the technopolis continues to radiate innovative activity beyond the physical boundaries of the Technology Park, now having work hubs such as the one located in the expansion of the Teatinos university campus, or the recently established one in the Port of Málaga.
