
Málaga TechPark participates again in the APTenisa programme

  • APTENISA is the reference programme initiated by APTE and ENISA to promote 75 new business ideas and 30 startups in the technological parks.
  • BIC Euronova, CADE, Promálaga, Polo de Contenidos Digitales, DayOne La Caixa and Rayo Verde – Link by UMA are the incubation spaces for this edition of the programme.

The Asociación de Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos de España (APTE) (Association of Science and Technological Parks of Spain) and the Empresa Nacional de Innovación, SME, SA (ENISA) (National Innovation Company, SME, SA) have launched the third edition of the acceleration programme for entrepreneurship projects, APTENISA in seven science and technological parks, including Málaga TechPark.

In addition, for this edition, Málaga TechPark once again has the incubation units of BIC Euronova, CADE, Promálaga, Polo de Contenidos Digitales, DayOne La Caixa and Rayo Verde – Link by UMA, key spaces for APTENISA projects to achieve their objectives.

The first phase of APTENISA, the APTENISA Start programme, has an open registration period until the 7th of June for entrepreneurial ideas projects, technological business projects in the pre-incubation phase.


Registrations can be made through this link.

The objective

The APTENISA programme focuses on facilitating the creation of new technology-based companies and reducing the obstacles they face during their growth, thus supporting the development of a size that makes them more competitive, in clear harmony with the objectives of the Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan) of the Spanish Government, with the Law for the Creation and Growth of Companies, the Law for the Promotion of the Start-up Ecosystem and the Spain Up Nation Strategy.

During 2024, APTENISA will support entrepreneurship from the initial idea to the acceleration phase, validation of the business model and incorporation, through a common methodology based on the Candy Innovation Model and Lean Launch Pad methodologies, to be developed by the 7 scientific and technological parks that will participate in this new edition located in 5 autonomous communities: Málaga TechPark, Parque Científico of Madrid, La Salle Technova Barcelona, Parcbit, Parque Científico of Alicante, Parque Científico y Tecnológico of Cartuja and Parque Científico of the Universidad Miguel Hernández from Elche.

APTENISA Edition 2024, as in previous editions, will support entrepreneurship from the initial idea to the acceleration phase, validation of the business model and incorporation, through a common methodology based on the Candy Innovation Model and Lean Launch Pad methodologies to be developed by the eight scientific and technological parks, which will in turn ensure the creation of synergies between participants.

In 2023

The second edition of the programme selected 14 projects in Málaga in 2023:

PREVISOR – automated and telecare technological system for home caregiver support.

SanaMente – an integrative platform to support psychiatric care based on Artificial Intelligence.

FarmaFácil – a platform for monitoring and collaboration between patients, pharmacists and nursing professionals.

Sistrack – cloud-based system for tracking, control and optimisation of parcel shipments between businesses.

Blueberry – STEM training project that aims to revolutionise the knowledge bases of young people and bring them closer to technology.

Winfyp App – a shopping basket price comparison project between supermarkets focused on the end user.

LinkCo – platform for automating Corporate Social Responsibility strategies for SMEs.

SeedSafe – biotechnological project for solutions to improve the purity and health of seeds throughout the value chain.

3DRglass Mind – project of a disruptive AI-based assistant tool for the glass melting process.

ColorAI – a project for an application to determine the exact colourimetry in beauty salons, based on Artificial Intelligence.

HolaS – a social network to bring the offer of leisure, culture and free time closer to the elderly, fighting against loneliness.

Safetransfer – SaaS project to improve the user experience and optimise the management of transfer operators.

Tratamiento y Valorización de Residuo del Olivar (Treatment and Valorisation of Olive Residues) – a project for the treatment of alpercin with the application of a novel system for the recovery of valorised material.

CodeID – exclusive fashion project with an individualised and technological approach.
