
Photonics, protagonist of the FGUMA Summer Course organised by Málaga TechPark

  • The course will be held on the 9th and the 10th of July at The Green RAY by PTA-UMA

Málaga TechPark, through its general director, Felipe Romera, is once again directing one of the Summer Courses of the Fundación General de la Universidad de Málaga (FGUMA).  “Fotónica, ¿es la tecnología del siglo XXI?” (“Photonics, is it the technology of the 21st century?”) is the name of the course organised this year by the park in the 22nd edition of the Summer Courses of the University of Málaga, which will take place on the 9th and the 10th of July in The Green Ray by PTA-UMA building.

This summer course will analyse the current situation of photonics, the main technological applications in which it is involved, the networks that are being formed through photonics and an overview of the main startups that have been developed around photonics and its applications.

Course description

Photonics, a technology that uses light for multiple purposes, stands as a key tool in today’s world of technology. It not only promotes economic development, but also facilitates important advances in areas such as health, energy and communication, opening the door to remarkable innovations.

In the short term, it is anticipated that photonics will continue to be vital not only in communications, but also in medicine, especially in the detection and cure of diseases, as well as contributing to the advancement of sustainable energy and improved data management. These uses are projected as solutions to important problems in information and communications technologies, health, and energy, further strengthening their importance in the society of the future.

Photonics is emerging as a technology with great potential to have a positive impact on society and the economy in the coming years. Its ability to foster innovative changes in diverse fields, from medicine to energy, makes it an essential part of the search for answers to current and future challenges.


Among the most prominent speakers at the course, which will be inaugurated by the director of Málaga TechPark, Felipe Romera, on the first day will be experts from IMEC, Mario Nemirovsky, CSO of Innova IRV & CTO of Innova IRV Microelectronics; José Capmany, Professor of Photonics and Optical Communications at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV); Robert Halir. Cofounder Bioherent and AGPhononics; and Óscar Chabrera, CFO of Innova IRV & CEO of Innova IRV Microelectronics;

On the second day will be Guillermo Carpintero del Barrio, Professor of the Department of Electronic Technology at the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M); Stefano Signorini, postdoctoral Researcher ICFO – Optoelectronics Group Online; Sonia Martín López: head of the Photonics Engineering Group at the University of Alcalá. Online; Jonas Leuermann, co-founder of Bioherent; Carlos Abellán, CEO Quside Technologies S.L., Pablo Ginel Moreno, co-founder AGPhotonics; Javier Ullecia, Founding Partner at Bullnet Capital; José Pozo, Global CTO, Global Photonics Economic Forum; and Santiago Royo, Plataforma Fotónica 21.

See the full programme here.
