
Scientific and technological parks and business parks are jointly committed to innovative, digital and sustainable industry

  • The Association of Scientific and Technological Parks of Spain (APTE) and the Spanish Coordinator of Business Parks (CEPE) present to the Director General of Industrial Strategy and SMEs, Jordi García Brustenga, their alliance to contribute to the transformation and regeneration of Spanish industry


The Association of Scientific and Technological Parks of Spain (APTE) and the Spanish Coordinator of Business Parks have signed a collaboration agreement to contribute to the objectives of the future Ley de Industria y Autonomía Estratégica (Law on Industry and Strategic Autonomy), specifically to support a more innovative and therefore competitive, resilient, digital and green industry. To this end, they will collaborate in the design of initiatives, activities and projects within the field of the new framework defined by the future law.

Both APTE and CEPE consider this collaboration to be essential to contribute to the development of strategic industrial ecosystems, as both associations represent a large part of the industrial and business areas of the country, in which some 96,000 companies and entities work.

The alliance includes the promotion of initiatives between scientific and technological parks and business parks to promote the transfer of knowledge and technology between the two groups as a fundamental element to support this new industry.

In addition, the agreement aims to contribute between the two associations and their respective members to the modernisation of industrial areas and the improvement of the competitiveness of their industries.
