
Spanish and Portuguese science and technology parks sign two protocols to strengthen collaboration between their parks and companies

  • Málaga TechPark was present at the event through the Deputy Director of Technology Transfer and International Relations, Sonia Palomo, who spoke about the success of Innova IRV


The Portuguese Association of Science and Technology Parks (TECPARQUES) and the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE), with the support of Startup Madeira as host, held on November 28 and 29 at the island of Madeira the XVI Iberian Meeting bringing together representatives of Spanish and Portuguese parks with the aim of analyzing and sharing experiences around the digital transformation and the role of science and technology parks in this process.

The attendees were welcomed by Carlos Soares Lopes, CEO of Startup Madeira; Hugo Coelho, president of TECPARQUES and Felipe Romera, president of APTE, who highlighted that “each Iberian Meeting consolidates the alliance between Spain and Portugal in innovation through science and technology parks, an alliance that in this meeting is strengthened with the signing of two new collaboration agreements to promote greater collaboration between our science and technology parks and their companies and R&D entities”.

24 speakers from both countries presented their analysis, thoughts and contributions on the digital transformation process and the impact and implications it has on all areas of life.

Sonia Palomo, Deputy Director of Technology and International Relations at Málaga TechPark, presented the work of the Ricardo Valle Institute of Innovation Foundation (Innova IRV), the first node of a national network of innovation hubs, which aims to help on the growth and consolidation of the digital technologies generating industry in our country.

Soledad Díaz, managing director of APTE, moderated a round table on digital transformation and change of habits, where the participants, Nuno Guarda (CISCO), Pedro Camacho (Nearsoft) and Carlos Romero (University of Málaga) explained how they have approached the process of digital transformation from their different entities and the main challenges and obstacles they had to face.

Manuel Pestano, technical director of the Science and Technology Park of Tenerife (PCTT), gave a presentation on digital transformation in Tenerife through the park in which he showed how innovation can boost regional development. Likewise, José Olarreaga, CEO of the company Be-ambassador located in the PCTT, participated in a startup pitch to talk about his managing platform for employee branding and employee advocacy strategies.

The second round table on digital transformation in parks, innovation areas and incubators and was honored by the presence of Carles Fillat, coordinator of the Business Campus at Tecnocampus Mataro Maresme Foundation and Juan Antonio Bertolín, general director of Espaitec, Science and Technology Park of the University of Jaume I de Castelló, who shared valuable perspectives on how science and technology parks are boosting business innovation through initiatives to approach digital technologies.

Finally, José Luis Vega, head of Business Promotion at PCT Avilés “Isla de la Innovación” (Innovation Island), Ayose Kim, head of the Economic-Administrative and Contracting Area at PCT Fuerteventura; Idurre Albizu, head of Business Development and Communication at Garaia Technology Park, Javier Benito, general director of the Science Park of the University of Salamanca and Alejandro García, head of projects at the Science and Technology Park of Extremadura (FUNDECYT- PCTEX), presented the various projects and initiatives that are being developed by Spanish parks to contribute to the digital transformation of their ecosystems.

This meeting was not only an opportunity to share knowledge and experiences, but also a forum to strengthen ties and explore new collaborations between Spanish and Portuguese science and technology parks and therefore, during the meeting two new collaboration protocols were signed: “Move On”, to promote the softlanding of companies from both countries in the Spanish and Portuguese parks and “Smile” (Sharing, Meeting, Interactive Learning Experience), to strengthen synergies and collaborations between the managing entities of the Spanish and Portuguese parks.

The next meeting will take place in Spain, specifically in Avilés, on July 3 and 4, 2024 and will be organized by the Science and Technology Park of Avilés “Isla de la Innovación”.


About the Iberian meetings

Since 2002, APTE and TECPARQUES have been working to promote collaboration between Spanish and Portuguese parks, trying to strengthen cooperation in innovation between companies and R&D entities located in the parks of both associations.

In order to achieve this level of cooperation, for the last 21 years the “Iberian Meetings” have been held to analyze these innovation systems and the possibilities of cooperation they offer, as well as the possibility of this increasingly cohesive Iberian alliance assuming a stronger role in European innovation policies.
