
Spanish science and technology parks analyze in Córdoba how AI can boost their key activities

  • The Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) and its members parks will meet on October 18 and 19 at the Technology Park of Córdoba to hold its third General Assembly of the year in which a review of the work of APTE in the last months will take place, there will also be proposals about how artificial intelligence can help the development of key activities and the VI Awards for the Dissemination of Science and Technology Parks in the Spanish Press will be presented


This assembly will be held within the framework of the Conference on opportunities in the Defense Sector for Technology and Innovation Companies organized by the Technology Park of Córdoba on the 18th along with the University of Córdoba, the Junta de Andalucía, the Council of Córdoba, and the Cetemet Foundation.

Furthermore, on this same day, the science and technology parks will discuss the use of Artificial Intelligence to improve the ecosystems management in a round table that will precede a follow-up meeting of the work plan of the APTE Technician Network.

On the 19th, APTE will hold its General Assembly in which it will welcome a new science and technology park that reaches the rank of Partner, that is, a park in operation, the Science Park of the University of Salamanca, as well as  a new park project, Kudos San Fernando.

Likewise, during the Assembly, tribute to the Technology Park of Vigo will be paid on its 20th anniversary of its constitution.

After the general Assembly, APTE will present the VI Awards for the Dissemination of Science and Technology Parks in the Spanish Press. This award, which celebrates its 6th edition, aims to recognize the work of the written press and online press that best disseminate the activities carried out by the science and technology parks throughout Spain. The awards will be presented by the president of APTE, Felipe Romera Lubias, in the company of José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, minister of University, Investigation and Innovation of the Junta de Andalucía; Manuel Torralbo Rodríguez, rector of the University of Córdoba; José María Bellido Roche, mayor of Córdoba and Juan Antonio Caballero, president of the Technology Park of Córdoba.

