
The Andalusian Cyber Security Cluster is born, with more than 60 entities and located at the CIAN

  • Málaga TechPark and some of its companies are part of it.
  • Antonio Sanz claims that more companies will join, and this cluster is born to enhance Andalusia’s leadership in this field.

The minister of Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue, and Administrative Simplification, Antonio Sanz, has presented in Málaga the Andalusian Cyber Security Cluster, which will be based at the Andalusian Cyber Security Center (CIAN) in Málaga. Sanz has thanked the commitment of the more than 60 companies that have initially joined the Cluster.

The minister has underlined “the presence of the academic field with the universities of Granada, Málaga, Córdoba, and Seville and a large part of the most powerful companies in terms of cyber security.” Additionally, he has pointed out that the purpose of the Cluster matches that of the Andalusian Digital Agency (ADA), to make technology improve people’s lives and become a driver of development in Andalusia. “This cluster will allow us to undertake projects within and outside our region, gaining relevance and contributing to enhancing the image of Andalusia as a leading territory in Cyber Security, thanks to the collaboration of its members,” he concluded.

The lines of action of the Andalusian Cyber Security Cluster range from training, awareness-raising, certification of professionals and products to the promotion of a proper cyber security culture. Thus it shares objectives and lines of action with the Andalusian Cyber Security Strategy, according to the minister.

He has reaffirmed the “commitment of the Andalusian Government to the total digital transformation of Andalusia by 2027, in which we will invest one billion euros, of which 200 million have already been implemented.” He also highlighted that the challenge for the Andalusian Government is “to keep up with the latest trends and innovations in cybersecurity and to bring in the best experts to share their knowledge.”

In this regard, he has praised the Andalusian Cyber Security Congress, whose third edition will be held in Málaga on March 13 and 14, an event that has turned Andalusia into “a reference in cyber security,” as evidenced by the more than 2,500 participants in the event in the 2023 edition. For the minister, it is a meeting that “represents an opportunity for the development and attraction of digital talent in cyber security and contributes to the consolidation of Andalusia as a reference in digital security.”

The Andalusian Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2025 is the document in which all actions aimed at protecting Andalusia against cyberattacks are included. To execute the actions following the Strategy, the Junta launched the Andalusian Cyber Security Center (CIAN) last November. A cutting-edge center from which the digital security of citizens, private companies, and public institutions is protected.

In this same center is also located the headquarters of the Junta de Andalucía Cyber Security Operations Center. Last September, the Council of Government allocated 12 million euros to the aforementioned center to provide it with the personnel and materials necessary for its full implementation. This amount will be awarded in the coming weeks, as reported by the minister of Presidency.

Additionally, CIAN is the headquarters of the Argos Project, an initiative of cyber security nodes in which Andalusia cooperates with Castile and León and the Basque Country, coordinated by the National Institute of Cyber Security. This project has an investment of 14 million euros in Andalusia, with the aim of turning the region into a reference of technological excellence in strategic areas where cyber security is crucial, such as Smart Cities and e-Health.

Out of the more than 60 entities that will be part of the Andalusian Cyber Security Cluster, 45 have already formalized their registration. These include Accenture, ADA, AllPentesting, APTAN (Association of Judicial Technological Experts of Andalusia), Ayesa, Babel, Blueberry, Center Seguros, Cipherbit-Grupo Oesía, Cloudglobal, OnTech Cluster, Cybercrin, Software, Decentralized Security, DEKRA, Eviguif, EVOLUTIO, Fujitsu, GHENOVA, GMV, Grupo Trevenque, Hispasec Sistemas, IaaS365, Idneo, Inetum, Innovasur, JTSEC, MAIN JOBS, Minsait-Indra-Sia, ORANGE ESPAÑA, Paloalto, Promálaga, ProofPoint, PTA, PwC, Sofistic, Softcom, Solutia, TD Consulting, Telefónica, University of Córdoba, University of Granada, University of Málaga, University of Seville, Vodafone Innovation Hub. Moreover, some other entities are in the process of inclusion. These include: Caixabank-Centro Empresas Dayone Andalucía, Capgemini, CSA, Kaspersky, Netskope, NTT Data, S2GRUPO, SECURE&IT, TDK, UNIA, Zscaler, SAS, Port of Málaga, Málaga Provincial Council, and Málaga City Council.
