
The attraction of talent stars in the I Foro de Inteligencias de Ciudad that is held in Málaga

  • The event brings together the Spanish smart cities industry and international experts in the Colección del Museo Ruso (Russian Museum Collection) on June 28th.

The smart cities industry in Spain makes an appointment on June 28th in Málaga in the first edition of the Foro de Inteligencias de la Ciudad. The Colección del Museo Ruso of the capital will host more than 160 participants and institutional representatives from 25 provinces during the morning.

The event, which is part of Smart City Cluster’s 10 anniversary celebration, was presented in the Salón de los Espejos of Málaga Town Hall in the presence of Francisco de la Torre, the Mayor of the city; Miguel Briones, the delegate in Málaga for Educational Development and Vocational Training, University, Research and Innovation of the Junta de Andalucía, and Miguel Ángel Romero, the president of Smart City Cluster.

It is scheduled to begin on Friday morning with an institutional opening that will be attended, among others, by the city councillor himself; Enrique Alonso, permanent councillor of the eighth section of the Consejo de Estado (Council of State); and Lorena Garrido, deputy minister for Universities, Research and Innovation of the Junta de Andalucía.

Speaking to the media, De la Torre has stressed that the Foro is presented as “an opportunity to share experiences on how innovation, intelligence and technological developments solve the challenges facing cities.” In this sense, he has pointed out that it is precisely the attraction of talent, the common thread of the Foro, which has become one of the challenges for which cities are competing.

On this point, Briones has pointed out that Málaga “is an exemplary place for innovation clusters” and has reviewed the momentum that the Junta de Andalucía and the Consejería de Universidades in particular are developing in order to “create the ideal regulatory framework that provides legal certainty to these business initiatives.” In particular, he has mentioned “the creation of the digital register of clusters at regional level and the call for grants to improve the current innovation ecosystem in Andalucía.”

For his part, Romero has detailed that five round table debates and dialogues are planned that will revolve around the role of big data in the era of artificial intelligence; regulations and rules in the new virtual scenarios; the evolution of the city-brand and strategic plans; training, smart city and future talent and a final talk to answer the question: if the city is a living organism, where is its brain? In this sense, he stated: “Technology is not the measure of a city’s intelligence; it is the tool that the city has at its disposal to take advantage of its intelligence, which, like everything that happens in such complex environments, is not of a single type but multiple. Hence the need for the Foro we are presenting today.”

They will bring together a group of international experts from the smart cities industry, representatives of public administrations and renowned figures from the university and health sectors. In alphabetical order, the speakers will be: Andrés García, Managing Partner at SIfdi; Ángeles Villaescusa, Managing Director of ESRI Spain; Antonio Quirós, General Director of Innovation at Málaga Town Hall; Cristina Álvarez, CEO and Director of the Oficina de Proyectos de Las Rozas Innova; Daniel González-Bootello, General Director of Smart City Cluster; Javier Ruiz, Mayor of Rota (Cádiz); Luis Noguera, Director of Public Sector and Legal Area at Science & Innovation Link Office (SILO); María Jesús Almazor, COO Telefónica Tech Spain and America; Sergio Alvano, CEO and Executive President of SILICE Global Group; Teodomiro López, Rector of the University of Málaga and Vice President of Smart City Cluster; Verónica Ramírez, Operations Director of Smart City Cluster and Victoria Fernández, Head of Clinical Neurophysiology Service of the Regional University Hospital of Málaga.

Additionally, the event will have a space to highlight the collaboration that Smart City Cluster and Málaga Town Hall are carrying out with the Hub de Diversidad Digital of the Fundación Integralia DKV, a platform with training and employment itineraries aimed at people with disabilities to improve their employability through the acquisition of digital skills.

Finally, the president of Smart City Cluster has expressed his gratitude to the sponsors and collaborators for their support in holding this forum: Málaga Town Hall, CaixaBank, 3CS Estrategia Económica, Actisa, Acyss, Add4u, Blauring LABS, CIAC Formación, Elliot Cloud, ESRI España, Gecor, HRCS, Ideanto, Innovasur, Neuromobile, Open-Ideas, Sensingtools, Synergya Tech, Torsa and the strategic consultant Woover.
