
The Cátedra Mujer and Tecnología Hedy Lamarr honours two female engineers in the second edition of the “DEKRA W-STEAM 2030” Award

  • The awarded were Concepción Cordón Fuentes, in the Senior category, expert in cybersecurity, and Asunción Buenek Ndjé, an Electronic Systems Engineering student, in the junior category.

The second edition of the “DEKRA W-STEAM 2030” Awards, organised by the Cátedra Mujer and the Tecnología Hedy Lamarr of the University of Málaga, has recognised two female engineers: Concepción Fuentes, in the senior category, expert in cybersecurity, student of the first promotion of Computer Science of the UMA, and Asunción Buenek Ndjé, in the junior one, Electronic Systems Engineering student.

The presentation of the awards took place in the meeting room of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (School of Telecommunications Engineering) in a ceremony presided over by the rector, Teodomiro López, who has also counted on the director of the Cátedra, the professor of Telecommunications Engineering María del Carmen Aguayo, and Alejandro Torrecilla, general director of DEKRA.

These awards were created with the aim of recognizing both women that currently are studying degrees in the STEM areas – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – and females graduated with extensive professional experience in the same field. Thus, the objective is to make these degrees more visible so that female students increase their interest, train themselves, participate and work in them.

In particular, Cordón Fuentes has been distinguished “for her national and international professional career of more than 25 years dedicated to innovation and recognised by the sector, having contributed to the technological development of the city”, and Buenek Ndjé “for her talent, passion for innovation and technology, activities related to communication and contributions to the community society.”

Both of them have expressed their gratitude for this distinction, which is an “opportunity” to break down barriers.

The director of the Cátedra, who has also highlighted her drive to create female role models, has said that “These awards recognise excellence, commitment and the determination to change the social model.”

The rector has congratulated the winners and has concluded by underlining that “this type of meeting symbolises that things are being done well.”
