
The European project AGRIFOOD4FUTURE, in which the park participates, launches its first newsletter

  • AGRIFOOD4FUTURE focuses on developing vocational training competencies and educational programs that address the needs of tomorrow’s agriculture.

The first newsletter of the new European project “Agrifood4future” is now available, in which Málaga TechPark is involved alongside various European partners.

AGRIFOOD4FUTURE focuses on developing skills in Vocational Training and educational programs that address the needs of the “agriculture of the future.” By bringing together key European players in European Training, at the academic, research, and business levels from all regions with a tradition in the agri-food sector (yet lagging in the adoption of new practices), the project aims to build vocational excellence centers capable of addressing existing and emerging needs in the sector. Simultaneously, the project focuses on key sector priorities: digitization, decarbonization, and sustainability.

In this case, the consortium is composed of 23 partners. The TechPark participates together with CESUR, FEMAC Cluster (Cluster of Agricultural Machinery and Means of Production), and Trama Tecnoambiental (a consulting and engineering firm).

COVE #1: France:
AgroParisTech (University)
Pole Valorial (Agrofood cluster)
Instituto ARVALIS (R&D institute)
Federación nacional CUMA – France (Association of farmers)

COVE #2: Italy:
Agrifood Clust-ER (Agrifood cluster in the Emilia Romagna region)
Catholic University of Sacro Cuore (UCSC) (University) PROJECT COORDINATOR
Phorma Mentis (company)

COVE #3: Portugal:
GreenUPorto – Sustainable Agrifood (University of Porto)
Welding and Quality school (Vocational Education and Training)
Colab – Food4Sustainability (Association dedicated to innovation in sustainable food production)
Building Global Innovators (accelerator of companies)

COVE #4: Belgium:
INAGRO (R&D, Cluster, belongs to the public sector of the Province of West Flanders)
University of Applied Sciences VIVES
BGT Consulting Group (is Vagner’s consultancy)

COVE #5: Greece:
Akmi (Vocational Education and Training)
Agenso (SME that provides solutions for environment and agriculture)
Agricultural Organization ELGO (Research Centre)

COVE #6: Germany:
European Association of Vocational Education and Training Institutes EVBB
BK Consult (SME, European project management)
