
The General Foundation of the University of Málaga inaugurates its new headquarters in Málaga TechPark

  • The building of the foundation will be home to academic and cultural university activities

The General Foundation of the University of Málaga (FGUMA) inaugurated its new headquarters in Málaga TechPark last 21st July. At the beginning of the year, a great part of the Foundation’s team moved from El Palo neighbourhood to the Habitec building in Málaga TechPark, aiming to create synergies with the innovative companies of the park, which are the driving force of the economy and generators of national and international talent. Furthermore, the location of the new headquarters has been enhanced, as it is closer to the heart of the University of Málaga: the Teatinos university campus, where many buildings and centres can be found, such as the Health and Medical Research Centre (CIMES), which is managed by the FGUMA; the Language Centre in the Rosa de Gálvez building and the new Vocational Training Centre in the López de Peñalver building.

José Ángel Narváez, rector of the University of Málaga; Diego J. Vera, director of the FGUMA; and Felipe Romera, general manager of Málaga TechPark, participated in the inauguration event. Moreover, Paula Merino, representative of the Foundation’s Law Department; and Sergio Mira, representative of the Language Centre Administration, gave short speeches on behalf of the Foundation’s staff.

“The relationship between the University of Málaga and Málaga TechPark is a success, and today we are taking a step forward with the inauguration of the FGUMA headquarters,” claimed the rector. In addition, he highlighted that public universities change the world through knowledge and research. “We work for society.” “The Foundation is a tool that works for the University of Málaga in order to achieve what the University cannot because of its strict structure,” he concluded.

“The location is the best right now,” stated Vera, director of the FGUMA. He also pointed out that the Foundation is an effective entity and an example for other Spanish universities to follow, highlighting some of the activities conducted at the Foundation, such as the Translation and Interpreting service, the Research Awards, the Centre for Ibero-American and Transatlantic Studies (CEIT), the ‘Destino UMA’ project, the ‘UMA en la provincia’ project, online courses, summer courses…

Moreover, Romera, general manager of Málaga TechPark, gave a welcoming speech and talked about the future synergies that can be achieved: for instance, the Spanish learning with the CIE-UMA Centre (International Spanish Centre of the University of Málaga), which is addressed to the more than 3,500 foreign workers of the park. 

The new building offers new and better work opportunities and is equipped with the necessary tools to do different academic and cultural activities. It also has several multifunctional rooms that are available for the university community. 

This change of headquarters will be of utmost use to host the training program of the FGUMA and any other events of the centres and services of the University of Málaga. 

The FGUMA currently has more than 100 workers, over 250 agreements signed with other cultural and business organisations in the area and more than 15,000 students and 800 professors every year. 

You can find all the information about the training plans, research, languages (both certificates and certifications), events, congresses and scholarships organised by the FGUMA on its website

