
The Hedy Lamarr Chair in Women and Technology recognizes academic excellency with the Keyshight grant

  • The winner of the second Keysight grant is Laura Pérez Rechou, an outstanding student from the School of Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Malaga

The Keysight grant for Excellence in Academic Performance awarded by the Hedy Lamarr Chair in Women and Technology at the University of Malaga, has found its second winner, Laura Pérez Rechou, an outstanding student of the School of Telecommunications Engineering. 

The award ceremony was held on Friday, 13 September in the School of Telecommunication Engineering. The event brought together key personalities from both the University and Keysight. Among the attendees were Mari Carmen Aguayo, director of the Chair, and directors of Keysight Malaga, Angel Ezquerra and Beatriz Merchan. Natalia Magrans, director of Human Resources at Keysight Spain and Yolanda Padial, representative of Keysight’s Hedy Lamarr team also attended the ceremony. 

Germán Madueño, Laura’s colleague during her internship at Keysight, did not want to miss the occasion either.

Laura, visibly moved, thanked the unconditional support of her family, who she considers to be the fundamental pillars in achieving her dreams. This grant not only highlights her academic excellence but also her dedication and effort in the field of telecommunications engineering. 

The Keysight grant for Excellence in Academic Performance is a living statement of the commitment of the “Hedy Lamarr Chair in Women and Technology” and Keysight Technologies to foster female talent in technological areas, promoting equal opportunity and the professional development of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
