
The innovative companies of BIC Euronova have a turnover of more than 20 million and create 232 jobs in 2022

  • Bic Euronova, an incubator of companies with more than 30 years of activity as the pioneering European Business and Innovation Centre of Málaga, presents its 2022 balance sheet with very positive data.

The innovative companies that are hosted in BIC Euronova, the European Business and Innovation Centre (CEEI) of Málaga, which is headquartered in the Technology Park of Andalusia—Málaga TechPark—, created a total of 232 jobs in 2022 and generated a turnover of more than 20 million euros.

In 2022, BIC Euronova chose and hosted 8 new innovative companies in its centre, with a total of 36 companies hosted in its facilities in the last budget year, 9 of them being of foreign capital. In addition to these, there are other 23 companies hosted in its virtual incubator and 6 in its coworking space. Thus, the average occupancy of BIC Euronova was close to 90% last year.

Carlos García, the representative of the regional delegation of Economy, Finance, European Funds and Industry, Energy and Mines in Málaga, and who is also president of BIC Euronova, highlighted the important role that incubators play as acceleration centres in the development of start-ups, as well as the essential and exemplary work that BIC Euronova has been carrying out in the business ecosystem of Málaga.

With these figures, BIC Euronova became established as a pioneer incubator of innovative companies in Málaga by supporting the creation, the incubation, the consolidation and the internationalization of innovative companies. 25% of the companies that are part of the Technology Park of Andalusia either are or have been in BIC Euronova. This percentage shows the high survival rate of the companies that have been incubated by BIC Euronova, which is around 80%.

Given BIC Euronova’s international vocation, the company continued its strong commitment to the internationalization of companies in 2022, thanks to the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) alliance—in which BIC Euronova takes part—, as well as to its diverse connections in every continent. In fact, it has a technical office in China, which provides business services and attracts investors. Furthermore, BIC Euronova supported 8 companies that participated in international projects and helped 3 other companies in softlanding services. BIC Euronova also encouraged entrepreneurship in Latin America.

Moreover, due to its commitment to internationalization, BIC Euronova promoted business missions in Israel, Jordan Valley and Italy, as well as conducting reverse trade missions in Málaga with different countries of the Mediterranean basin.

Other highlights of the 2022 budget year are: 98 entrepreneurs were advised by BIC Euronova, 65 companies/entrepreneurs were mentored, 15 companies were supported by BIC Euronova in attracting financing, 36 companies were supervised by consultants from BIC Euronova and 19 consultancy contracts were executed.

The sectors to which the companies hosted in BIC Euronova belong are engineering, industry 4.0, photovoltaics, cybersecurity, e-health, aerospace, social innovation, new materials and design and training, among others. The companies are incubated for an average period of 2.75 years and have a survival rate of around 80%.
