
The new call for subsidies for developing Vocational Training programs for Employment is presented in Málaga TechPark

  • Companies of Málaga to employ 300 people thanks to a new call with recruitment commitment.
  • The aim is to fill skills gaps on the labour market, providing employment to unemployed people that will be trained for jobs that are currently vacant.

Málaga TechPark and the regional ministry for Employment, Enterprise and Self-Employment of the Regional Government of Andalusia organised in the park an event of training programs for companies. Last 29 June, Carmen Sánchez Sierra, representative of the regional delegation of Employment, Enterprise and Self-Employment of Málaga, presented to more than 50 entrepreneurs the new call for subsidies for developing Vocational Training programs for Employment with recruitment commitment. This meeting was also attended by Felipe Romera, the general manager of the park. 

During the event, Sánchez Sierra explained that there is a €2.2 million budget for these subsidies, which aims to provide unemployed people with training that meets the needs of the current labour market, as well as the competitiveness requirements of companies. According to Sánchez Sierra, “this is key and practical”, as it offers “a training requested by the company itself, which knows the job vacancies that are particularly difficult to fill due to the lack of qualifications.” 

Felipe Romera, the general manager of the park, highlighted “the excellent opportunity that this initiative represents for the companies in the park, as it will help to attract talent and generate employment.” 

Sánchez Sierra also emphasised that, in this new call, the subsidies will be given to the companies that need to hire professionals with a specific training, “so that companies train people who will later join their workforces, since they must commit to hire 40% of students that finish the training.” In view of these incentives, Sánchez Sierra estimated there will be around 840 students in 56 different training programs, “which would lead to the hiring of approximately 336 unemployed people, who will work for at least six months if it is full-time and nine months if it is part-time.” These subsidies are on a non-competitive basis and the application deadline is 31 October 2023.



The training programs must correspond to a training specialty that is not conducive to a professional certificate included in the Catalogue of Training Specialties within the framework of the system of vocational training for employment in the workplace. The training programs must be classroom-based. In the event that the company seeks to provide a training that is not in the catalogue, the Regional Ministry for Employment will advise and help the company to develop the required training program, as well as ensuring that the SEPE (National Public Service for Employment) includes the program in the catalogue so that it can be subsidised. Moreover, companies that are not authorised to provide vocational training programs for employment may subcontract this training to authorised centres, which, according to Sánchez Sierra, “facilitates the access of SMEs and micro-SMEs to these subsidies, since they often do not have any resources, as they do not have staff to train their workers.” 

The students of these subsidised training programs must be unemployed people who are registered in the Andalusian Service of Employment, who meet the requirements for the training specialty and who have had no employment relationship with the beneficiary company in the six months prior to the date of submission of the application. 

Every company must submit an application for each training program, which will consist of a single training action. The procedure shall be completed through the virtual office of the Regional Ministry for Employment, Enterprise and Self-Employment available on the link


Open calls for other subsidies

Finally, the representative of the regional delegation of Employment mentioned two other subsidies that are now open for application: incentives for hiring people with disabilities and the one for the Promotion of Employment in Businesses and Cooperatives.

The first subsidy, on a non-competitive basis, is made up of seven lines, two of which are specifically aimed at regular companies, which will have one month, starting on 20 June, to apply for it. One of the measures funds the creation of permanent employment for people with disabilities. The subsidies range from 4,750 euros for every full-time contract to 3,907 euros for making a fixed-term contract a permanent one. The other measure aims to adapt the jobs for people with disabilities, as well as to provide personal protective equipment to prevent accidents at work and to put an end to obstacles that hinder the work of people with disabilities, with an incentive of 901.52 euros for each permanent contract. 

The second subsidy, which is now open for application, aims to promote employment in the social economy sector by hiring members or workers in businesses and cooperatives, as well as managers and specialised technical staff. The applications for this subsidy, which is up to 10,000 euros per person and is on a competitive basis, can be submitted until 31 August.
